The Legend Of The Northern Warriors

The legend tells about two warriors that landed from the northen sea long ago. With no clear objective they fought every man they faced. Feared and respected by their enemies their name became well known between the bravest warriors. With time many other warriors all over the world joined their cause. Bringing the metal everywere!

So mighty was the power of this army, formed by more than  1700 men and women, that they took the attention of the most powerful lords and merchants of the kingdom. In a secret alliance they agreed to exterminate them but every time they faced the northern warriors on the battlefield they died in massacre, so was their valor.

Understanding they could never won them by the weapons they hatched and evil plot, a mayor treason with the help of the king and all the wealthiest lords. And this time they succeed, the two warriors were finally assassinated with no honor. Thousands of metal warriors remained abandoned...

...but not forever. Cause at the Great Hall of Valhalla the brothers met the great one God, Wotan who knew about the treason by Loki. With the help of Hell, the greatest of Asgard decided to send them back to Midgard, to lead once again their northern warriors to battle. But that time they will return as undead so they could never die again and neither their army so they could spread the metal till the end of time!

And thus by now they are known as the Undead Northern Warriors.


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